Business Succession

Benefits of a Cyprus International Trust

Tax benefits

  • Dividends and interest received from a Cyprus international business company are not taxable and not subject to any withholding tax.
  • No estate duty or inheritance tax in Cyprus
  • Worldwide income, profit and gains are taxable in Cyprus only where the beneficiary is a Cyprus tax resident. Those who are non-residents are taxed only on Cyprus sourced income

Asset protection

An International Trust may be set aside by the settlor’s creditors to the extent that is proven to the satisfaction of the Cyprus Court that the International Trust was made by the settlor with the intent to defraud the creditors. The burden of proof of this intent shall be on the creditors.

Confidentiality and non-disclosure

Confidentiality is of vital importance and is imposed on the trustees and on any other person not authorised by law to have knowledge of information or documents which disclose any of the matters referred to hereinbelow. However, the court may order the disclosure of information or documents in criminal or civil proceedings cases.

Firewall Provisions

All matters relating to the validity or administration of an international trust or the transfer / disposal of trust property will be determined by the laws of Cyprus without reference to the law of any other jurisdiction.

Also the law relating to inheritance or succession in force in Cyprus or any other country will not in any way affect the validity of the international trust or any transfer or disposition of trust property.

Further, the trustees’ fiduciary powers and duties and the powers and duties of any protectors of the trusts are exclusively governed by Cyprus law.

Settlor Reserved Powers

The settlor maintains extensive reserved powers, such as power to retain a beneficial interest in trust property, or to act as the protector or enforcer of the trust without affecting the validity of the trust. Such reserved powers also include the power to revoke, vary or amend essential terms of the trust, to change the governing law of the trust, to act as a director or officer of any corporate entity wholly or partly owned by the trust and to appoint or remove any trustee, enforcer, protector or beneficiary.